Remember the time back in school when your best friend got a different class division from you? Or the time when you did not get admission in your preferred course or college? Or the time you had that really serious fight with your closest friend or when someone you blindly trusted betrayed you. How impossible life seemed at that point! Didn’t it? Felt like nothing is ever going to be the same, or as if this is the end, game over, I will never ever be happy again.

And remember when you got past it? Remember how you made an excelling career out of a course that you never imagined doing or making friends of a lifetime in the college that you never wanted to go to? How you learnt that everyone is not always who they seem to be and even the most innocent looking people can sometimes turn out to be the worst nightmares of your life!

The lesson here is, no matter what happens, nothing is permanent. This feeling of immense sorrow that you might be feeling right now, or the feeling of being on Cloud 9! Nothing in this life is or ever was permanent. And nothing in life just happens. Everything happens for a reason, and everything in life teaches us something that will be useful to us at some point in life.

For instance, I always wanted to be an engineer, but for some reason it didn’t work out. I ended up doing a course in the subject that I never really was interested in, in the same college as my Junior College because I thought I wanted to be with my friends. Turned out, all of them got into different courses at different colleges and there I was all alone, doing the subject I hated.

A year passed, and I tried changing colleges to get into a course more of my interests. But it was too late and that didn’t work out. And then when I thought I had no way out and my career was a tragedy, I got a very rare opportunity that included work and study. Just the kind of stuff I loved. It was a 4 year course and I had to drop out after 2 because I got married and moved to a place where I couldn’t continue the course. I know what you’re thinking, her life is a tragedy! But let me fill the blanks in my story for you.

When I stayed in my college doing the subject I hated, I actually learnt that biology was not that boring after all. I learnt the most amazing things from the most amazing teachers. Cherry on the cake was the people I met and the friends I made. Friends for a life time. Those three years in college actually shaped my personality into something I kind of admire sometimes.

When I had to drop out of my 4 year course mid-way, I was sad, I have to admit, I was sad for the better part of a year. It was my dream job with the best people I could ever work with. Just enough exposure to help me see the different kinds of industries and people, but not too much for me to get scared out of. But when I got married to the love of my life, I knew I made the right decision, I couldn’t have stayed away from him for 2 more years. Besides, my friends and colleagues gave me 4 years of knowledge, experience and fun packed in 2, so I wasn’t really missing out anything.

I know this isn’t a blog about marriage, but marriage does change everything, its like a roller coaster ride. You are just so involved in the ride, you don’t dare to look back, but just when the ride stabilises a little bit, and you look back, you are nowhere near where you started. And just as you are about to hit the realization of where you have reached in this short while, the ride gets thrilling again.

In my experience, there was an obstacle at each path I wanted to take. But being the optimist that I am, I never really paid much attention to it. I took the path nature made for me. But now as I look back, there was so much for me to be disappointed about, but after the disappointment (which I hardly ever felt) was the path I had not foreseen. The path that led me to where I am today. Happily living with the love of my life, expecting the beautiful addition to our gang, someone we hope will be just as crazy as us. Doing the two things I have wanted to do since I was a little girl – teaching and writing. I can’t imagine being anywhere else or doing anything else. After all the things that went wrong (or so I thought), life is perfect. Like it knew how to work itself out.

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