A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A WORKING MOM (PS: This is just me, bragging about my baby… AGAIN!!)

“Sometimes I feel like a supermom and sometimes like a disaster waiting to happen,” said every working mom ever. What? Don’t look at me, I have been a working mom for less than a month, and this one almost-month has been one hell of a roller-coaster ride (I say that too often, don’t I?)

Well, for all of you who don’t know, mommy got herself a job this month. Obviously, mommy’s obsession with baby did not let her go out get a regular job, so she is doing a stay at home, but pretty time consuming and challenging job.

When you want to get that every minute of complete concentration on your work while your baby sleeps, you don’t sit on the study table that you were so keen on turning into your home office or outside your bedroom on the huge airy, with-an-excellent-view-of-nature terrace, the former coz you can’t risk waking up your baby with the clanking of the laptop keys or your stupid hushed voice over calls, and the latter because the time you might take to come back when your baby wakes up crying might just be enough time to have him woken up completely and ruin your afternoon plans.

But when your baby cries and refuses to go back to sleep unless you lie down with them, do you ever wonder if those are actually your kids tantrums over needing mommy or is it his way of getting you to shut eyes for 5 mins and get the much needed rest you were so reluctant to get. I like to believe that this is my baby’s way of taking care of his mommy, even if it is by manipulating her into feeling that she is taking care of him.

What almost one-and-a-half-year-old lets his mother sit in front of the laptop without attacking it? (Apart from the fact that he is being trained for more than a year) Well, mommy loves to brag, it’s this little munchkin!!!

Well, he may be attacking it here but that’s only coz mommy let him. If you take a minute and think, every supermom has a super baby, the one who lets her go get her dreams, the one who takes care of her by earlier said manipulations, the one who puts himself to sleep alone coz mommy needs to work, the one who wants to try and self-feed, coz he wants to be independent, just like his mommy.

As I go through my blog, trying to proof-read it, I realize that no matter how a blog starts, it is always gonna end up revolving around my handsome little bundle of joy.

Some days are easy and some days are a challenge, but again, I like to think that he wants me to feel like a supermom. At the end of the day, when I finally crash after conquering the best of both worlds, a day that had been challenging either ways, he wants me to get that rush which made me crave for a job in the first place. It’s like he is already all grown up inside, taking care of me as I take care of him, every minute of every day.

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  1. I am not a mom but still reading it makes me feel the days you spent.....

  2. Love this! Great work

  3. I can so relate you Misbah....Having an almost one and half year old lady working alongside me on the laptop, or accompanying me on most of the calls...

    1. Just read this as I was revisting my old blogs... Mine is 3 now, still making me mute calls everytime he walks in on me working....


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