When you begin to realize how important you are to your baby do you feel like this is how he says he loves you? You are the most important person to them. You are all that they want, all that they can’t live without. You might not realise that they love you more than you love them. Or atleast just as much. Their world revolves around you, they can’t even sometimes spend an hour without looking at you. You are their first thought every morning and their last every night. The first person they think of when they find something exciting. The one they want to show their favourite toy to and the one they want to be held by when they fall. You were once their food factory too. You are their mother, their best friend, their hugging pillow, their comforter. You are the person they scan a room for. The purest most unadulterated form of love is not the one a mother gives her baby, it is the one her baby gives her. Well, I for one have adjusted my babies schedule to fit my needs ...