
Showing posts from February, 2020

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A WORKING MOM (PS: This is just me, bragging about my baby… AGAIN!!)

“Sometimes I feel like a supermom and sometimes like a disaster waiting to happen,” said every working mom ever. What? Don’t look at me, I have been a working mom for less than a month, and this one almost-month has been one hell of a roller-coaster ride (I say that too often, don’t I?) Well, for all of you who don’t know, mommy got herself a job this month. Obviously, mommy’s obsession with baby did not let her go out get a regular job, so she is doing a stay at home, but pretty time consuming and challenging job. When you want to get that every minute of complete concentration on your work while your baby sleeps, you don’t sit on the study table that you were so keen on turning into your home office or outside your bedroom on the huge airy, with-an-excellent-view-of-nature terrace, the former coz you can’t risk waking up your baby with the clanking of the laptop keys or your stupid hushed voice over calls, and the latter because the time you might take to come back when yo...